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Friday, 18 July 2014

The Cigar Guide – Part III DO’s & DON’Ts


In the year 1967 a man by the name of Zino Davidoff, the proprietor of the company with the same name, in an effort to educate the mass population, published an essay called Zino Davidoff’s Guide to Cigar Etiquette. One of the first of its kind, this well regarded primer still rings true today.

More: follow the link below:

Cited from: Cigar Etiquette, Trouble Shooting and Do & Don'ts — Gentleman's Gazette

The Cigar Guide II – Humidors, Cutters, Lighters etc.

Setting up a humidor takes a certain level of patience and effort, but once it’s set to the proper humidity levels, your cigars will stay fresh and smell fantastic.
What the set up process does in a nutshell is re-humidifies the wood. Since your humidor has likely sat unattended in a warehouse or retail store for some time, the wood has dried out and so filling it with your fresh cigars will transfer all of the cigars moisture to the wood, thereby ruining the cigar. Regardless of where you purchased your humidor or how much you spent on it, every humidor must be set up before being used for the first time.
Re-humidifying your humidor will take anywhere from a few days to a month but the process itself is rather simple. There are many variations that can be found, but personally I’ve always followed the advice David Sabot who as we mentioned in Part One.

More below:

Cited from: Cigar Humidors, Cutters & Lighters Guide — Gentleman's Gazette

The Cigar Guide I – History, Making & Humidors

History of Cigars

The actual origins of cigars are fairly undocumented. There are many myths and rumors that purport to explain the history behind the sticks, but none that are actually adopted industry wide as being factual. One of the earliest documented uses of a cigar-like smoke was back in the tenth century where a ceramic pot featured Mayan tobacco leaves that were tied together with some form of string. The name that was used for this was Sikar, meaning “to smoke rolled tobacco leaves”. From there the word Cigarro was used in Spain and eventually come 1730, the term Cigar was adopted into the English language.

Continue on the link below:

Cited from: The Cigar Guide I - History, Making & Humidors — Gentleman's Gazette

Monday, 10 February 2014

Bar Backyard presents: "БЕЗ УПОЙКА. ДИСЕКЦИЯ НА ЖИВО"

музикално-поетичен пърфомънс

вторник - 11 февруари 2014 г.

стихопреливане - Петър Петров
звуков декор - Найден Йотофф - Нед

Петър Петров е поет и журналист. Бил е новинар, репортер и водещ на тв предавания. Изкушен е от създаването на алтернативно изкуство. Автор е на стихосбирките "Пин код: Лукчета" (2004) и "Без упойка" (2013).

Найден Йотофф е актьор, пианист, пацифист, синестетик, въздухоплавател и мечтател. Пра-пра-пра внук в рода Мюнхаузен.