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Sunday, 1 April 2007
Curriculum Vitae
Contact Details:
E-Mail: childharold@gmail.com
My name is Nayden Nikolaev Yotov, born on 19Th October 1980. I graduated from the National high-school for ancient cultures and languages "St. Constantine - Cyril Philosopher" in 1999 and my graduation thesis was “Sacred Geography of Mexico” - cum laude. I continued my education in the Bulgarian - Danish College Sofia from 1999 to 2003 and graduated with degree Bachelor of Advertising, Management and Marketing with specialisation in Advertising communications. My graduated thesis was honored as an “Exceptional Achievement”. Meanwhile I started studying Theology at The Theology Faculty in Sofia University "St. Clement Ochridski" in 2001. From 2003 to 2005 I finished my bachelor’s degree in Philosophy at New Bulgarian University (NBU) with magna cum laude dissertation “Freedom and Will” and afterwards I continued my education there with a master’s degree in the Philosophy, language and communication programme and a master’s degree in English Language Philosophy at the Sofia University "St. Clement Ochridski". Also this year – 2006 I received full bursary for The Script Factory SCENE insiders From 17 – 20 August 2006 Edinburgh, UK. Degree: script developer Specialty: script developing and writing. In October 2007 I graduated as a Master of Philosophy in NBU, Language and Communication with mater thesis “Kant and Luther on Freedom” - cum laude. Since than I am a PhD student of Visual Semiotics in South-East European Center For Semiotic Studies at New Bulgarian University, Sofia, Bulgaria. My main thematic area in Semiotics is the visual communication
From 2001 – 2006 I have made some short movies such as “Semiotic Gesture”, “The Party”, “The Soul of the Piano”
During my whole university education I have attended regularly courses and seminars, university and non - university classes in semiotics, philosophy and politics, economics, applied linguistics, theatre and cinema sciences, photography, script writing, etc.
In 1999 I was awarded one of the five first places in UNESCO and EU international competition "Rome impact in the art of...Federico Fellini. The same year I participated in the 14th Interlingua Conference in Fokcani, Romania. Form 24Th May to 3 June 2001 I participated and won two awards at the 10th International Movie Festival of the orthodox and Slavonic countries "Golden Vityaz", Tambov, Russia. From 8Th June to 15 June 2001 I participated in The North East Festival – second edition, Den Helder, Netherlands. The same year in October I participated and won a first place award from the 13th Festival of Bulgarian non feature movie "Golden Rython", Plovdiv. Year of 2006 - participant of 12Th Early Fall School in Semiotics „Semiotics, Image and Narration” in Sozopol, Bulgaria with a seminar over Construction of characters through music in cinema.
I speak fluently several languages: Bulgarian, English, Russian and French and I have additional language skills in Latin, Old-Bulgarian and Interlingua.
I am interested mainly in semiotics, music, mythology, poetry, philosophy, cinema, psychology, ethics, art theory, dancing, theatre and rhetoric.
Contact Details:
E-Mail: childharold@gmail.com
My name is Nayden Nikolaev Yotov, born on 19Th October 1980. I graduated from the National high-school for ancient cultures and languages "St. Constantine - Cyril Philosopher" in 1999 and my graduation thesis was “Sacred Geography of Mexico” - cum laude. I continued my education in the Bulgarian - Danish College Sofia from 1999 to 2003 and graduated with degree Bachelor of Advertising, Management and Marketing with specialisation in Advertising communications. My graduated thesis was honored as an “Exceptional Achievement”. Meanwhile I started studying Theology at The Theology Faculty in Sofia University "St. Clement Ochridski" in 2001. From 2003 to 2005 I finished my bachelor’s degree in Philosophy at New Bulgarian University (NBU) with magna cum laude dissertation “Freedom and Will” and afterwards I continued my education there with a master’s degree in the Philosophy, language and communication programme and a master’s degree in English Language Philosophy at the Sofia University "St. Clement Ochridski". Also this year – 2006 I received full bursary for The Script Factory SCENE insiders From 17 – 20 August 2006 Edinburgh, UK. Degree: script developer Specialty: script developing and writing. In October 2007 I graduated as a Master of Philosophy in NBU, Language and Communication with mater thesis “Kant and Luther on Freedom” - cum laude. Since than I am a PhD student of Visual Semiotics in South-East European Center For Semiotic Studies at New Bulgarian University, Sofia, Bulgaria. My main thematic area in Semiotics is the visual communication
From 2001 – 2006 I have made some short movies such as “Semiotic Gesture”, “The Party”, “The Soul of the Piano”
During my whole university education I have attended regularly courses and seminars, university and non - university classes in semiotics, philosophy and politics, economics, applied linguistics, theatre and cinema sciences, photography, script writing, etc.
In 1999 I was awarded one of the five first places in UNESCO and EU international competition "Rome impact in the art of...Federico Fellini. The same year I participated in the 14th Interlingua Conference in Fokcani, Romania. Form 24Th May to 3 June 2001 I participated and won two awards at the 10th International Movie Festival of the orthodox and Slavonic countries "Golden Vityaz", Tambov, Russia. From 8Th June to 15 June 2001 I participated in The North East Festival – second edition, Den Helder, Netherlands. The same year in October I participated and won a first place award from the 13th Festival of Bulgarian non feature movie "Golden Rython", Plovdiv. Year of 2006 - participant of 12Th Early Fall School in Semiotics „Semiotics, Image and Narration” in Sozopol, Bulgaria with a seminar over Construction of characters through music in cinema.
I speak fluently several languages: Bulgarian, English, Russian and French and I have additional language skills in Latin, Old-Bulgarian and Interlingua.
I am interested mainly in semiotics, music, mythology, poetry, philosophy, cinema, psychology, ethics, art theory, dancing, theatre and rhetoric.
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